
Freedom Economy

BusinessFreedom Economy
August 21, 2018

The Ins and Outs of Popular Payment Network Options and Online Invoice Software Systems

When you first began freelancing, figuring out a way to get paid by clients quickly was probably at the top of your list of important to do items. But have you revisited your payment network and online invoice software system since you first started? Have you thought about how secure your systems are? And whether or not there is a better option for your business at this point? Remember, every facet of your business that touches your clients is important. If you want your clients to take you seriously and trust your brand, then you need to present your business…
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Scrupulous architect
Freedom Economy
August 9, 2018

When Is the Time Right to Quit Your Job and Freelance Full Time?

You’ve likely noticed a growing trend where people choose to work as freelancers rather than working full time for a company. While this decision may seem counterintuitive, the freedom economy has never been stronger, and it may be a good time for you to consider making the switch yourself.  There is a lot to think about and a lot to consider before you hand over your letter of resignation and become a part of the freedom economy. Many freelancers spend a lot of sleepless nights thinking about whether or not they should make the jump, and even once they become…
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Freedom Economy
August 7, 2018

How Many Months of Your Freelancer Payments Should You Save Up?

As an independent contractor, properly budgeting your freelancer payments can be challenging. You’ve built the portfolio, pitched the project, closed the deal, knocked the work out of the park and even successfully got paid. Now how do you manage your business expenses, plan out future expenses and build a cushion for yourself, should an emergency arise? As it turns out, when you become a business owner, no one hands you a manual to follow on all things finance-related. So, there’s a good chance you may never have had to think about saving for retirement and navigating monthly healthcare costs while…
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Financial problems
Freedom Economy
July 26, 2018

What I Loved (and Hated) About Working for Myself

The Freedom Economy gives entrepreneurs, freelancers, and other contract workers the ability to take control of their lives and enjoy the freedoms that come with flexibility. Before I thought of working for myself this is what my boss told me. “I’m sorry, Josh. It’s a mistake. If you walk away from the workforce, you’ll lose your marketability and you’ll be years behind where you could have been if you hadn’t.” I can still see the look of skepticism and pity on my boss’s face when she delivered that warning. At the time, I had kids — twin girls, no less…
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Freedom Economy
July 24, 2018

The 5 Best Cities for Today’s Digital Nomad

One of the biggest benefits to being a digital nomad is the ability to travel. If you became an entrepreneur for more flexibility to work from wherever, whenever you want, you’re not alone. And, while there are seemingly endless places to explore as a freelancer in the digital world (thanks to remote working tools), I’ve narrowed down my top 5 favorite locations. Although there are some incredible places to explore in the United States as well as South America, you’ll notice neither location is on the list. This is for two reasons. First, I wanted to focus on places outside…
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BusinessFreedom Economy
July 3, 2018

5 Freelancer Tools Every Solopreneur Needs

Working as a solopreneur comes with a lot of responsibility that you might not have expected, but having the right freelancer tools at your disposal can go a long way toward making your work easier. Whether you’re looking for ways to stay organized, maximize productivity, or get the most out of your busy schedule, the following five freelancer tools are a great way to get yourself moving in the right direction. After all, time is money, and as a freelancer, you understand the importance of making the most out of every minute throughout the workday so that you can maximize…
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Freedom Economy
June 28, 2018

10 Reasons to Get Freelance Jobs as a College Student

There is absolutely no better time to take on your first freelance jobs and explore the world of entrepreneurship than during your college years. I know what you’re thinking, “Wait, but college is for sleeping in late and living your best life, not working.” However, the beauty of freelancing is that you can make it as little or as much work as you want! While in college, you can explore the world of starting a side hustle, or you can build your freelance empire, it's completely up to you. College allows you to explore different subjects while offering you the…
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Freedom Economy
June 28, 2018

How to be Successful and Get Freelance Gigs as a Photographer

Focusing on freelance gigs to fuel your photography career may sound like a dream come true. You'll have the opportunity to shape your job to suit your personal strengths and interests, and you'll enjoy the freedom of setting a schedule that meets your needs. While there are many benefits to taking freelance gigs as a photographer, there are a lot of important details to consider as well. From creating a stunning portfolio to finding your first paying jobs, we have the tips and tricks you need to help you make it as a freelance photographer. Build Your Portfolio You would…
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Freedom Economy
June 14, 2018

Freelance Jobs: 5 of the Most Common Mistakes

Freelance jobs offer a unique level of freedom, but it isn't as easy as it may seem. While you have the option to accept or decline freelance jobs at will, you're also tasked with finding enough work to stay afloat and keeping yourself motivated without a supervisor. Too often, new freelancers will fail to value their work properly or stray from their budgets. If you're new to freelancing, there are a few key mistakes that you should look out for. Actively avoiding these early on can help you form solid habits that will set you up for success. 1. Devaluing…
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