Spera’s mission is to strengthen the independent worker’s ability to succeed in today’s Freedom Economy.
Spera’s Mission
What is the Freedom Economy?
It is a vibrant and growing movement of self-reliant, creative and ambitious women and men of all ages – freelancers, entrepreneurs, digital nomads, artists, and contract workers – who’ve declared independence from the traditional corporate world. They have chosen to pursue their passion, take control of their work lives, and enjoy the freedom that comes with this lifestyle.
Our team is made up of independents from all over the world. From Southern California to Pakistan, Spera has been built by independents, with the independent in mind.
Greg Pesci
President & CEO
Prior to Spera, Greg served at ProPay, Inc. as General Counsel, and then as President and COO. He holds a Master of Organizational Behavior from the Marriott School of Management and a Juris Doctor, with honors, from the J. Rueben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University.