Before you invest in a task management tool to help you streamline your freelance services, you’ll want to understand the importance of contracts. Freelancing without a contract is a risk you should never take. You may have taken on projects in the past without a contract, but you shouldn’t work without one.

It’s easy for freelancers to get caught in the allure of a new project and get to work right away, but you can’t afford to overlook the importance of having a contract in place. The following five reasons will remind you why having a contract is so important.

  1. You are exposed to risk: While there is risk associated with virtually any career path you choose, freelancing exposes you to more risk than the average person. Freelancing with a contract increases your risk substantially. You can face risks associated with work consistency, payments, and liability.
  2. Promise vs. reality: Have you ever made a promise you didn’t keep? Most of us have. Even if a client has good intentions, what a client promises and how things work out, in reality, are often very different. I have had situations where clients promised huge workloads and the work ended up being minimal. I have also had situations where clients wanted to double my workload overnight without notice. When you have a contract, you have a bargaining chip to negotiate change.
  3. You never know what could happen: A client could be here one day and gone the next. Even if a client pays you on time, one day the client could stop answering your emails and phone calls, unexpectedly creating a gap in your income. Including a termination clause in your contract will at least require the client to provide you with some advance notice that the client will no longer be using your services.
  4. You may not get paid: Unfortunately, not all clients you encounter have the best of intentions, especially if you are working for them remotely or connected online. Anyone can talk a big game, but without a contract, you run the risk of not getting paid, even if the client is someone with whom you are familiar. Having a task management tool can help you keep track of which clients have paid and which ones still owe you money.
  5. Peace of mind: Freelancing itself is a risk. Going out on your own can be a scary process, and having a contract will give you peace of mind in knowing that you have binding agreements in place with your clients. These agreements alone will help you sleep better at night.

Invest in a Task Management Tool That Streamlines Your Freelance Business

If you want to achieve your personal goals and see sustainable success as a freelancer, start off each new project the right way with a contract and other task management tools.

Browse our project management tools to learn how you can better stay on task without worrying about the finer details.


Author Cristiano

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