If you’re not currently using an online project management tool, you’ve probably assumed that you’re doing just fine without one.

At the end of the day, your work is getting done and your clients aren’t complaining, so it’s all good, right? Not so fast!

Wouldn’t it be amazing to get MORE organized? Could you use more time in your workday to focus on getting new clients, or simply enjoying life outside of work? What if your team could operate more seamlessly on a daily basis? I’m guessing all of these things sound pretty amazing.

By implementing a comprehensive project management system, you can get more done easier. But if you’re not totally convinced yet, I’ve outlined 10 surefire signs that you’re in need of some new online project management tools in your life.   

1. You’re Guilty of Sticky Note Overload          


If you have so many sticky notes on your computer monitor that it’s unclear whether or not a computer actually resides on your desk somewhere- it’s time to seek help.

A project management system lets you say sayonara to your little yellow friends and track all of your tasks in one place, digitally. Save a few trees and a lot of time. Now, wouldn’t that be a lot easier?  

2. You Can’t Seem to Find Your Client’s Email Address – Again         

At some point during your last lunch meeting, you wrote down your new client’s email address on a napkin, but now you just can’t seem to find it. Again. Because it’s the third time you’ve had to ask for it this week.

If this is a familiar scene for you, it’s time to get organized, asap. Did we mention that a project management system lets you manage all of your client info in one, easy-to-use dashboard?


3. Your Office is Swimming in a Sea of Loose Business Cards

If the height of the stack of business cards from networking events past has surpassed the stack of books you are reading, this is your wake-up call.

Why not implement a system that lets you organize your contacts and quickly access their information when you need it? With an online project management system, interacting with your clients in all the ways you need to has never been easier.

4. Your Paper Meeting Calendar Screams 1998           


Does the personal-sized paper calendar you still carry around have so many coffee stains on it that you missed your last meeting because of yesterday’s latte?

I feel you, my coffee-drinking comrades. No need to give up your morning brew, but it is time to upgrade to a more seamless scheduling system. Manage your upcoming team meetings, projects and tasks all from one location with an online project management portal.  

5. The Elusive Office Monster Keeps Eating Your 8 Hours         

Your days seem to whiz by and it’s often hard to tell what you got done, or the progress being made on individual projects.

Someone – or something – has got to be stealing your time because you have no clue how it disappears each week. Good news: you can create projects and milestones, track your time, upload and manage important files, and much more, with the right tools.

6. Your File Uploading Process is From Caveman Times               

…Or at least that how it feels!

Do you log in to 4 different apps to send someone the various file formats they need? One month your client needs a PDF, and the next they’re requesting a TIFF. Sure, you can figure it out, but it’s going to take you 85 years and that last shred of patience you have.

An online project management system lets you upload, store, and share a variety of files in your projects with team members and clients.

7. Budget is a “B” Word You Haven’t Quite Mastered                


You know your project is over scope and over-budget, again, but you’re not quite sure JUST how much. If you could only find those notepads that listed out each expense…

It’s time to join us here in the new, digital age! Welcome! Client and project budgets can be kept online, in a comprehensive tool that lets you easily pull reports, track progress and quickly see a summary of expenses.  

8. You Cringe When a Client Asks for a Project Update             

Your email dings and you see it’s your client (again), asking for a status update on their latest project.

How are you supposed to know when you’ll be done?! A project takes as long as it takes, right?? Well, not exactly. By using a system that offers GANTT charts to help keep track of the progress of all of your tasks – and lets your clients log in with a limited view of the project – your timeline will no longer be an annoying mystery to outsiders.     

9. Your Communication Methods are Similar to that Childhood Game of Telephone               

First, you log in to your instant messaging app to connect with Bobby in Seattle. Then, it’s email time to check any incoming notes on each client project (and all the tasks within those projects). Okay, so once you upload files that Sally needs to Google Drive, you should be set.

Woah- why do you need 100 different ways to communicate about the same 2 projects?

By using a project management system, you can communicate with your team’s dashboard, comment on individual tasks in one place and automate specific reminders.

10. Your Invoices Resemble a 3rd Grade Art Project               


If your invoices resemble a bad resume, full of crazy text formatting and void of your company’s logo, it’s time to upgrade.

ClipArt was cute in junior high, but not so much as a business owner. Use an online project management tool with a customizable invoice app that allows you to, automatically send invoices to your clients and get paid instantly.

It’s Time to Upgrade to an Online Project Management Tool

Online project management tools allow you to present your brand more professionally, become super organized, and communicate easier with both your teammates and your clients. Upgrade the processes in your business to better manage projects and tasks, keep track of client information, send customizable invoices and much more. Opt for a system that addresses every facet of your freelance work, so you can spend less time trying to become organized, and more time on the work that you love.

We understand that researching a new system to implement into your business can be super tedious. Especially when you’re not completely sure that it’s necessary. After all, isn’t taking time to research a project management platform just as time-consuming as simply continuing to do your work?! The bottom line is, the right project management tool offers you seriously increased productivity throughout many facets of your business. That’s why it’s worth implementing.

Here are a few key benefits of great online project management tools:

  • They allow your team to manage an unlimited number of projects and tasks.
  • They let you keep track of your client information in one organized place.
  • You can send customizable invoices and track client payments easily.
  • They allow you to avoid logging into multiple platforms and accounts or piecemealing your work system.
  • Ultimately, they let you work more effectively so you can get back to focusing on what you do best – your work.

Explore Spera’s online project management platform that is built for independent workers and distributed teams, giving you the tools and support that your freelance and remote work deserves.


Author Cristiano

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