One of the things that seldom gets talked about when discussing the freelance lifestyle is your support system – the people you can rely on for support during lean times, and the people with whom you want to celebrate your accomplishments when you succeed.
Supporters can be your friends, family members, business colleagues, a mentor, and even fellow freelancers. The truth is there is no shortage of a support system for freelancers. You just need to tap into this support system.
Freelancers Supporting Other Freelancers
Out of anyone in your support system, other freelancers are going to understand what you are going through. They have taken the same risks and made the same commitment to the lifestyle as you have. Even if they work in a different industry, they understand the challenges and pitfalls you will face. They have likely faced them as well, and they can shed some light on how you can overcome issues, avoid common mistakes and how to handle a variety of situations.
The Internet has allowed freelancers from around the world to connect. Rather than seeing other freelancers as competitors, treat it like a brotherhood. Get involved in online discussions, join freelance associations, and join social media groups. You’ll be surprised just how many people are going through exactly what you are – and you’ll be surprised just how many people are willing to offer advice and help you out.
Let People Know How They Can Support You
People often have trouble supporting you because they don’t know how. You are probably the first person they know who is a freelancer. The truth is that there are lots of people who still have no idea what freelancing is or what you do for a living. To this day, I’m pretty sure my mom has no idea what I do – she just knows that I do I lot of writing and work from home.
Therefore, it’s important to tell others how they can help. For example, when I get bogged down with projects and have to work long hours, my wife helps me out by picking up the slack around the house.
For others, it may be a few words of encouragement from a trusted friend or having someone to whom you can vent about the day’s pressing issues.
When you tell people how they can support you, you will realize how many people you have in your corner.
Dealing with Naysayers
There will be naysayers. There will be people who question your choice to become a freelancer – especially at the beginning when you are struggling to get clients and generate a stable income. Heck, you may even be one yourself!
The truth is most won’t question your choices to your face. They will quietly question you in conversations with others. You’ll be the topic of gossip, and they will talk behind your back.
Rather than let these people get you down and start to believe what they are saying about you, use it as fuel to prove them wrong. Prove to them and prove to yourself that freelancing was the right career choice for you.
Who are they to judge you anyway?