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Enterprise Solutions
August 14, 2018

3 Ways Enterprise Collaboration is Different than Remote Work Projects

Thanks to technology, along with improved enterprise collaboration tools, more people than ever before are working from home. In fact, “the number of telecommuting workers has increased 115% in a decade,” according Global Workplace Analytics and FlexJobs. That equals almost 4 million workers (roughly 1/3 of the US workforce) working from home at least 50% of the time, per CNN. As more and more people begin experiencing flexibility in their work schedule, the line between “freelance worker” and “remote office employee” begins to get a little blurry. What’s the difference between someone who works primarily from home, setting their own…
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Project Management for Companies
August 9, 2018

Making the Move: How to Dump your Old Project Management Software Without Regrets

Implementing new processes, tools and project management software into your freelance business may seem a little intimidating at first. Your mind may quickly go to the new features you’ll have to learn or the thought of transitioning all of your clients’ information into a new platform. If you’ve outgrown your current system, it’s time to face the music and begin thinking about the next best project management software option for your company to thrive. Before making the move, be sure to vet your platform systems thoroughly. Consider some of the following tips: Set yourself up for long term success by…
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Project Management for Companies
August 8, 2018

Setting Up Your Project Management Software: A Step-by-Step Guide

The idea of setting up new online tools and project management software can feel challenging to some freelancers and solopreneurs, and intimidating to small business owners. Especially if you’re just getting started in the world of business ownership! First, you have to figure out which tools you need. Next, it’s a matter of budgeting (both your time and money), and then re-budgeting again, to figure out what you can afford. Finally, it’s time to implement your new systems. Thankfully, if you’re at the point where you’re ready to get started, your business is about to get a whole lot easier.…
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Freedom Economy
August 7, 2018

How Many Months of Your Freelancer Payments Should You Save Up?

As an independent contractor, properly budgeting your freelancer payments can be challenging. You’ve built the portfolio, pitched the project, closed the deal, knocked the work out of the park and even successfully got paid. Now how do you manage your business expenses, plan out future expenses and build a cushion for yourself, should an emergency arise? As it turns out, when you become a business owner, no one hands you a manual to follow on all things finance-related. So, there’s a good chance you may never have had to think about saving for retirement and navigating monthly healthcare costs while…
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Digital Nomad Tips
August 2, 2018

5 Things the Best Freelance Websites Have (That Yours Doesn’t)

As an independent contractor trying to find more clients you may be wondering, why do certain freelance websites stand out more than others? How can I make mine better than my competitors’? And what are some of the top attributes my website should include in order to nail my next client pitch? There is no doubt there are thousands - if not hundreds of thousands - of companies that need your specific expertise as a freelancer. But there is also a lot of competition in the digital world. I don’t have to tell you twice how important your personal website…
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Young businesswoman working on desktop PC at corporate office.
August 2, 2018

Collaboration Tools: How to Turn a Difficult Client into a Valuable Partner

Difficult clients don't always have to be hard to work with. In many cases, the reason your client appears to be difficult to work with is that a lack of proper communication exists between the two of you. Proper use of effective collaboration tools can go a long way toward improving communication between you and your clients and, ultimately, can turn what would otherwise be a difficult contract into a valuable business relationship that can benefit both of you in the future. The Difficult Client Every single business owner has experienced the nightmare client in some way, shape, or form. Whether…
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Financial problems
Freedom Economy
July 26, 2018

What I Loved (and Hated) About Working for Myself

The Freedom Economy gives entrepreneurs, freelancers, and other contract workers the ability to take control of their lives and enjoy the freedoms that come with flexibility. Before I thought of working for myself this is what my boss told me. “I’m sorry, Josh. It’s a mistake. If you walk away from the workforce, you’ll lose your marketability and you’ll be years behind where you could have been if you hadn’t.” I can still see the look of skepticism and pity on my boss’s face when she delivered that warning. At the time, I had kids — twin girls, no less…
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Freedom Economy
July 24, 2018

The 5 Best Cities for Today’s Digital Nomad

One of the biggest benefits to being a digital nomad is the ability to travel. If you became an entrepreneur for more flexibility to work from wherever, whenever you want, you’re not alone. And, while there are seemingly endless places to explore as a freelancer in the digital world (thanks to remote working tools), I’ve narrowed down my top 5 favorite locations. Although there are some incredible places to explore in the United States as well as South America, you’ll notice neither location is on the list. This is for two reasons. First, I wanted to focus on places outside…
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Digital Nomad TipsProject Management for Companies
July 19, 2018

Online Project Management How-To’s: The Best Way to Communicate with Clients

As a freelancer, online project management tools can make your life significantly easier. From time tracking options to team collaboration and file uploading features, there is a huge variety of systems made specifically to cater to the needs of entrepreneurs and their work. You may not have realized that project management tools can also make communication with your clients more efficient, too. After all, two of the most challenging realities of being a freelancer are: Managing all of your clients’ communications and being their contact for all questions, concerns and correspondences. Doing this remotely. Communicating with a variety of different…
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